Hilkhot Shofar, Sukka and Lulav in English

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This is the fifth volume of the new edition of Maimondes’ Mishne Torah with fully voweled text English translation and commentary, pbulsihed by “Moznaim.”

The first volume containing Hilkot beth HaBehira (The Lasw of G-d’s Chosen House) appeared in 1985. This was followed by Hilkhot Melakhim Umilhamoteihem (The Laws of the Kings and their Wars); Hilkhot Teshuva (the Laws of Repentance) and Hilkhot Hametz Umatza (The Laws of Hametz Umatoah. The newest volume, Hilkhot Shofar, Sukkah ViLulav (the Laws of Shofar, Sukka and Lulav) came off the press a few weeks ago, just in time for the holidays.

THe translations and commentaries of all volumes were prepared by Rabbi Eliyhau Touger.

The Mishna Torah edition as well as many others works on Mishneh Torah which appeared in recent years, are a by product of the call of the Rebbe of Lubavitch, to Jews all over the world to study Maimonides, code.

Hilknot Shofar, Sukka VeLulav consists of eight chapters. Three are devoted to the commandment of listening to the sound of the Shofar, the following three to the precept of dwelling in the Sukka for seven days, and the last two to the Mitzvah of the four species. The last Halakhot in the last chapter describes the Simhat Beth HaShoevah, which was celebrated in the Temple on Hol HaMoed Sukkot (with the exception of Shabbath). The chapter concludes with Maimonides memorable words about the obligation to fulfill Mitzvot with joy:

“The happiness with which a person should rejoice in fulfillment of the Mitzvot and the love of G-d who commanded them is a great service. Whoever holds himself back from his rejoicing is worthy of retribution, as (Deuteronomy 28:47) states …. ” because you did not serve G-d, your L-rd with happiness and a glad heart.”

“Whoever holds himself proud, giving himself honor and acts haughtily in such situations is a sinner and a fool